Has Britain given up on looking after disability?


after long and painful five days, i taking time away from Cornwall to relax before finishing off my working week. it  has been a week of frustration and for the same old reasons. i.e wanting to make a difference more,but Autism and lack of support means a wall is put in front of me. Also if the last five days has shown  anything is how the state in Britain can show little thought to it’s citizens. that’s ok if you can go through life with no help but if you do then a state that doesn;t care is a major problem.  I fear looking at the world around me that a contract that was created over a century ago has been ripped up like old newspaper.Despite the land becoming the new golden currency. Perhaps in the age of automation and jobs that are not based upon how fast you can scan someone’s shopping   we need a new one. A new one that creates a real and meaningful safety net and educates our young properly. a topic for future partnership meetings Healthwatch Cornwall?

Plea to make the 50 billion plus mean something in the real world


this morning after helping mum with the cash machine i will sending copies of my life history to an organisation who is helping me trying to get my support restarted. the reports and letters of concern is not a of a brick but it certainly feels as heavy.if i don;t send it then i won;t stand a chance of receiving any of the 50 billion) the history of my life  will cost more then a fiver to probably put into the post. but this morning as l rested i had a brainwave. could the 50 billion spent on disability and all of the money put towards welfare to work providers , and the immoral situation where millions are spent trying to deny support to people who could have only pennies in the bank be better spent?(the savings limit for housing benefit is £6.000 thousand pounds)  yes and it called meaningful jobs to anyone regardless on how able they are. that means no vulnerable adult been forced to work in the gig economy where it maybe unsafe for them do so. They could actually choose their contribution to the fabric of Britain and potentially have a higher chance of feeling they are doing something worthwhile with their lives.(cleaning workplaces that don;t know me  does not me feel l’m contributing to a better future) Again i not an expert at anything but do l know what it’s like when you are struggling to maintain dignity and a purpose.

Just enough energy to ask this question


Can disability survive in paradise with the advent of Automation? Could Basic Income help disability more then a low paid job which in twenty or thirty years time could being  doing by an android or robot? And can disability access the education needed to flourish in a zero-carbon world where you may be calling on a automated taxi to take you to work? (Like the one in the original Total Recall film)

Tuesday, getting more work, more volunteering?


unfortunately with more frustration then anyone can imagine, i was back at my GP trying to find out how much medical evidence has been submitted to the DWP. i did get an answer and it wasn;t very promising. I will repeat a point what i know i have raised repeatedly and saw a fellow disability campaigner and actor raise on You Tube today. What is the point of the system deliberately trapping people either behind a front door or on the streets? What is the point of not enabling disability  to achieve it’s dreams  when the last  thirty years has surely taught  us what happens when you leave disability on the side of the road?(was my local authority right in handing me a Special Needs Statement 30 years ago?)  i would’ve much rather saved the NHS time and been able to go to work or do more volunteer rather then trying to a fight a system that is not working. Whilst i was at the surgery today l heard a  cardio machine needs fixing. Does government turn the volume down every time disability makes a valid observation? At least i’m doing some volunteering and work today.if i can’t have some of the 50 billion, can at least the cardio machine have some of it.

yes property should be taken into account with social care,at a sensible level.

Wales has apparently increased the saving limit for social care. up to forty thousand pounds. i have not got anywere near that level of savings and l’m not a home owner.and unlike when i first started this log i don;t receive social care .i haven’t been able to access employment which i could afford to buy a semi and it means l’m  not part the Conservative’s holy grail , the homeowner democracy, (even though i see the dream every week. )  It’s unlikely that l could access the type of employment which opens the door to home ownership. but other vulnerable people who are not house owners do receive social care. So yes the care system is not fair to mostly everyone. it leaves people out of the system and ones who do get it are probably just as invisible  as myself. but does this mean property should not be taken account when we decide how care is pay for? no it doesn;t the basic reason is how can it be fair for non house owner to pay the same for care then someone who does own a £300.000 plus grand house? Surely a nominal account like £30.000 thousand pounds could be taken from the estate at the appropriate time? a renter could have worked just as hard to keep a roof over their head as someone who could’ve been in more fortunate position to gain a mortgage? Again this is about common sense and fairness.  There is though a bigger question which l will repeat again, this issue tends to be discussed  only in relation to the elderly. In actual fact people from all ages, young and old and in-between could be receiving  some help from the care system. (and it could be for a lifetime)The vast majority will not be given keys to a £500 grand home, including many in disability who i have spent time with.

A bright Sunday in the UK but another day when home is a prison

Today i have taken the recycling to the bank and took mum shopping. that is probably going to be my highlight today. No looking at Pluto or Europa through a telescope. It has been over a year since Truro stopped my personal budget which was caused by the fact l had started working and got myself in a better position(well if you call it that, it doesn;t feel as a write this that l;m any nearer to simply putting a suitcase in my car and drive to a new life, i think  i need to find a new planet for that to happen. But at least i still have a roof over my head in Middle England which many in Britain simply don;t have. But simply not being able to pop out of a family home on a Sunday is not the worst aspect of being a vulnerable adult in the UK. is it how you are viewed upon by the society around you.  You are see as a not human or not as equal value as my parent’s neighbours, even now as a 40 years old special needs adult. (like i said before you are seen as someone else’s problem)They sort of know i have disability but also they have no idea what actually is. the only clue is a poster on my car’s window which has the word Autism on it. and the paradox is i have a car but can;t afford to put twenty pounds worth of fuel in it to take me somewhere. if i still had my personal budget then perhaps it would’nt been the case. Again the social care crisis is a real and never-ending one. P1010087

The government needs to come clean over welfare

Today i’m going back to work and volunteering. the Jobcentre didn;t ring me up on Thursday. it made me late for work so i’m having to go back to the Jobcentre for an explanation. i having to try and contact for the DWP for two separate reasons and for two separate means of support.It took me two years to get my DLA and now face a similar battle. Denying support does not make a disability go away, it probably makes it worse, so for the 100th time it;s a false economy forcing people to go through the holes which i going to face today. If the government doesn;t want to have a welfare system anymore  then it should just say so. NIMAG0494[1]o more trying to do it through the back door. Again where is this pot of gold for disability worth 50 billion because i can say with 100% honestly that i won;t be seeing any of it.